Writing for a safe, sacred space.
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“We Are All Sinners” Is Not Enough
I’ve been teaching all day. Tomorrow’s the last day of school, and I couldn’t be more excited. And tonight I’m taking my daughter to see a musical in San Francisco, and I won’t get home till super late. So. Not a ton of time to write, so today I’ll post this,...

The Gay Christian Network
Edit: Today the Gay Christian Network has become Q Christian Fellowship. Today I just want to highlight the work of an amazing organization. Since 2001, The Gay Christian Network, led by Justin Lee, has been providing support to LGBTQ Christians like me. Check out...

So This Is What It’s Like
Sundays are always busy days for me. I’m the music minister at MCC San Francisco, so I get up early and drive from Rohnert Park to San Francisco (about an hour without traffic). I’m here for practice at 10:30 and then worship at noon. We have another service at...

Gratitude & Hope: The TEDx Talk
Last summer, about two weeks after I came out of the closet and resigned from my worship pastor job, I went to a mixer put on by the Letter People. I was lonely and anxious to find some kind of community, but this LGBTQ world was brand new to me. People would ask...

Surrendering To God’s Design
Last summer, right before I came out of the closet, I was still leading worship every Sunday in church. It was a scary time, because I knew this massive change was coming for me, for my family and for the church, but it was also rich and good. God was meeting me in...

Why Pride?
As I celebrate my first Pride Month with my LGBTQ+ siblings, I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting, and I’m planning to post a lot of my thoughts here on Facebook throughout the month. I’m so grateful that I can live openly and honestly, and I’m grateful that I can...
Liz Budd Ellmann, MDiv, former Executive Director, Spiritual Directors International