Writing for a safe, sacred space.
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National Coming Out Day 2024
We're everywhere, you know. We are your brothers, your sisters, your teachers, your uncles, your aunts, your children, your grandparents, your Uber drivers, your barbers, your favorite actors and singers and writers and yes, even your pastors. And as Harvey Milk...

What Is a Woman? A Call for Humility, Curiosity and Compassion
[UPDATE: Khelif just won the Gold Medal in women's boxing!] Last Thursday social media blew up with allegations that a "man" had somehow gotten into Olympic women's boxing. Nevermind that Imane Khelif was born a girl in Algeria, a conservative country where 99% of the...

Finding Ourselves in the Story of Lazarus
On Sunday, June 30, 2024, I was invited to preach at CityChurch San Francisco for the final Sunday of Pride Month. Unfortunately their livestream failed, so rather than share the video, I'm going to post the sermon here on my blog. Maybe it will encourage you to find...

Pride 2024: The Great Cloud of Queer Witnesses
Photo by Carlos de Toro @carlosdetoro on Unsplash Here we are again. Pride Month 2024. Since coming out in 2016, I have tried, to varying degrees of success, to write about my relationship with Pride here on my blog. In 2017, I wrote about my first San...

National Coming Out Day 2023
Today is National Coming Out Day. You've probably already seen a bunch of posts on Facebook and Instagram by people who are bravely sharing the truth about their sexuality or gender identity for the first time. And I will be the first to cheer these folks on. There is...

A Pride Month Conversation with Natalie Drew
I came out of the closet in 2016, nearly seven years ago now. It was an exciting time for me in many ways. After 44 years of living in the closet, I was finally free to live "in congruence with reality" as an openly gay man. And the United States in 2016 seemed to...

The Beautiful Tenacity of Queer Christianity
The Group Photo on Sunday Morning of the Q Christian Fellowship Conference in Washington, DC. Can you find me? From January 5-8, I spent four days with 500+ LGBTQ+ Christians in Washington, DC, at the Q Christian Fellowship Conference. I heard amazing speakers like...

2022 in Review
It's 10am on Saturday, December 31, in Santa Rosa, California. It's cold and dark and absolutely pouring outside. I'm still in my pajamas and sitting in my bed with my laptop and my coffee. Apple Music is shuffling through my Replay 2022 playlist, and I'm diving into...

Queer Enough, In or Out of the Closet
It's #NationalComingOutDay, and every year I think about how I grateful I am to be on this side of the closet door. It's been over 6 years now since I decided to live in congruence with reality, and although I can't say that it's been all rainbows and unicorns, I've...

A Different Kind of Pride Month
It's June 19, 2022, and I'm just now writing my annual Pride Month post. I know, I know... It's not like me, is it? I haven't even put the obligatory rainbow filter on my social media profile pictures! I guess it's just a different kind of Pride Month for me this...
Liz Budd Ellmann, MDiv, former Executive Director, Spiritual Directors International