Boy Erased

Boy Erased

Last night I went to see the new movie Boy Erased, based on the memoir of the same name by Garrard Conley. Many of you know that I share a similar story of attempted “conversion therapy” and have asked for my thoughts. I highly recommend the movie, and I...
Holy Cannoli

Holy Cannoli

5 Questions About Homosexuality with Matt Nightingale
National Coming Out Day

National Coming Out Day

It’s #NationalComingOutDay. Now, it’s no secret that I’m gay, but it was. For a very long time. And for me, coming out was one of the most important moments of my life. It has not been easy… In fact, the last couple of years have been more...
The Airing of Grief

The Airing of Grief

Singing Over Shadows: An array of voices in a flowing conversation – meandering together like objects in shared, resonant space. A coda to embodiment and finding ourselves within each other’s stories. Matt is one of the anonymous voices featured in this...