I discovered this beautiful song a few days ago. Countless listens later, I am still getting emotional when I hear it. I think for Christians like me who are in the process of deconstructing our faith and discovering what we actually believe, worship music can be a source of pain, a trigger. I can no longer sing with any integrity many of the worship songs that I myself led in churches for all those years. I simply don’t believe in a god like that anymore.

So it’s a rare and precious thing to find a worship song like this. I can sing these words with my whole heart. I can’t wait to introduce it to The Quest.

I shared this song on my Instagram story on Saturday, and so many people responded, deeply moved by the hopeful, loving God presented in these lyrics. The world needs this beautiful vision of a God of love. I’m more convinced than ever. ❤️

“God was never angry
God was not against me
God was never far away
God’s not disappointed
God’s not keeping score, and
God’s not judging my mistakes

God is light, God is love
Do not fear, for God’s with us
God is good, God is grace
God will never hide her face
‘Cause God is… God is…

I see so clearly now
God is in the mystery
God is always with me
I was lost, now I’m found
Everything I once thought
Blinded by the love…”