Meeting Marsha Stevens

Meeting Marsha Stevens

<br /> I grew up listening to this song. It was basically a standard in my family and in the churches in which I grew up. And the more I learn about its writer, the more excited I get to meet her and experience her ministry this afternoon.  “For Those...
“Every gay person must come out…”

“Every gay person must come out…”

June is always an important month for LGBTQ+ people, a chance for us to celebrate the beauty and diversity of our community and to fight against oppression and injustice in all areas of our lives. It’s also a time for queer people to come out, to speak our truth...
One Spot Left

One Spot Left

Last night I spent a couple of hours with six men from all over the United States and Canada. Such a diversity of age, family, career, faith backgrounds, financial situations and life experiences. The one thing they all shared in common? They are all gay men who, for...


I’m delighted to be featured as part of Q Christian Fellowship’s #UnchangedLGBTQ series this week. And I’m grateful for the opportunity to publicly thank four people who made such a difference in my life. So much love to you, Justin Lee, Fred...
Meeting Cleve Jones

Meeting Cleve Jones

What a beautiful man. Cleve Jones co-founded The San Francisco AIDS Foundation and came up with the idea for the AIDS Memorial Quilt. He is a pioneer for LGBTQ+ people and an absolute hero to me.In the final chapter of his autobiography, When We Rise, he...