
Have You Ever Heard…?
Teri DeSario's CCM Works with Matt Nightingale

I’m Praying for Y’all
Mixed and matched w/Matt Nightingale

Morning Glory Project
Choosing Gratitude with Matt Nightingale

Q Christian Fellowship Conference
Breakout Session: Spiritual & Mental Health Panel feat. Candice Czubernat, Austen Hartke, Laura Beth Buchleiter, Aaron Brown and Matt Nightingale

Share, Inspire, Repeat
It's OK To Be Who You Are!

BraveMaker Podcast
Brave LGBTQ+ Stories in Film, Music & Photography

Holy Cannoli
Creating Art & Culture: Special Chat with Matt Nightingale

A Tiny Revolution
Coming Out Later in Life (And All That Shit)

Dates with a Jesus Gay
Matt Nightingale, pt. 2

Dates with a Jesus Gay
Matt Nightingale, pt. 1
Spiritual Direction & Support Groups
“Spiritual direction—also called spiritual companionship—explores a deeper relationship with the spiritual aspect of being human. Simply put, spiritual direction is helping people tell their sacred stories everyday.”
Liz Budd Ellmann, MDiv, former Executive Director, Spiritual Directors International
I am honored to serve as a spiritual director through The Christian Closet, offering web-based counseling, coaching and spiritual direction for LGBTQ Christians.